Soooo, you may have noticed that I've been MIA for awhile - at least, I HOPE you've noticed!
The holiday craft season was ca-razy in a great way. I did lots and lots of shows this past season, more than I've ever done before. And while I was busy taking, making, preparing and showing every single day for months, it was a fantastic time that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I'm happily bidding adieu to 2009, and the entire decade, actually. I can't say it was a total downer. I met lots of new people, made some friends, rekindled old friendships, and learned many things.
The past 10 years have been an absolute revolving door of good things, bad things, fleeting things and permanent things - well, as permanent as things ever are.
I'm sad to have lost contact with some people (for now, anyway), but that happens for a reason. Perhaps our time together had served its purpose and we both needed to travel through life on different routes.
I'm happy to have many, many new people in my life that I love spending time with. I have grown to a point where I genuinely crave the company of people and love all the opportunites I've had to meet, greet and chat with a great number of people through my craft shows, organization affiliations and travels. People are awesome, and spending a little (or lot) of time with them makes me a better and more interesting person.
2000-2009 was also a great decade for me as far as traveling opportunites. While I haven't traveled nearly as much as I would like, I've been fortunate enough to see several countries, states and cities. I've been amazed at how different and similar the world and its people are.
I'm also trying to evolve as a person. If you know me, you know I can be (okay, blunt) at times. This works for some people, but not for others. I'm trying to slow down and accept what life and God give me as a path, rather than trying to cut my own way, while trying to control not only myself, but also the universe. Doesn't work. Just stresses you out when you're a control freak out of control.
So, I'm taking deep breaths and trying to control only my outlook on life, rather than life in total.
It will be exciting to see where this fresh new year and decade leads me. With God's help, it will be fantastic!
Wishing you a happy and hopeful 2010!