Sorry for being missing in action lately. It's been busy, busy, busy, but I do need to get caught up on my comings and goings, AND post new pictures!
Here's what I've been up to...
* I've been working on a few commissioned pieces lately, which I'll photograph and upload once they're ready for delivery.
* Also, I spent a little time in L.A. a week ago, and got some pretty cool grab shots (grab shots = pretty much just taken in extreme haste, anywhere I could "grab" them). I'll be going back to L.A. over the coming few weeks and I'm hoping to get some amazing shots. Not that hard in L.A. where there's so much to see and photograph.
* I had my Blossom Trail photos posted on the Fresno County Tourism website!
* Our art show was a great success and the owner invited us back! We'll be setting up our outside exhibit again tomorrow at the Franciscan Plaza DURING the Swallows Day Parade.
* I've been printing, matting and framing like a crazed banshee lately.
* I won First Place in another art show!!! (Man, that's a great feeling)
* I'm getting artwork ready for an exhibit and two art shows that are fast approaching.
* I learned how to make Polaroid transfers last week, and they came out great! Very artsy. I also need to photograph those and upload.
* I'm going on a field trip with my friend, Ellen's, photography class. It's so cool to see the students exploring and setting up their shots.
So, as you see, I have not been sitting on a beach somewhere, sipping a Pina Colada (wow, that sounds great!), but have been busy and productive.
I will get caught up eventually and share the visuals with you all.
Gotta run :-D
Ta for now!
The photographic journey (and escapades) of an Orange County photographer
March 28, 2008
March 17, 2008
March 10, 2008
Fresno County Blossom Trail

Road Trip!
I love driving to Fresno. It is a beautiful drive all year 'round, and especially in the spring.
This past weekend I drove the Fresno County Blossom Trail, and it was SO worth it. Just to be out in the country, away from city life for a few hours was heavenly, and to see all the fruit trees in bloom just made it that much sweeter. And to top it all off, I got to share it with my mom. She's recouperating from surgery, so it was nice to get her out for some fresh air and "us" time.

You still have about two or three weeks to catch it in all its glory if you happen up that direction. If not, don't worry. There's still time to catch the Orange Harvest Festival on April 5th!

Kings River

It was a fabulous trip, and will always be one of my fondest memories.
Happy Trails!
I Met An Angel This Weekend
It's true. I met a real, honest-to-goodness, angel this weekend.
I'm not going to mention her name, because that sort of attention would embarrass her.
I'll just call her "Angel."
She has been blessed with beauty, inside and out, but she's had her own share of heartache. Her first husband was an alcoholic, and was killed in an accident (not drunk driving), leaving her a young widow with two children to raise.
She's the type of person who has what some called ESP, or premonitions, or the term I like to use, "heightened awareness," about certain events. I know from personal experience that this gift, good or bad, usually intensifies when you're locked in a bad situation. When things are good, it goes away.
When she told me the story about her husband, she also told me that she "knew" something was going to happen long before it did. The feeling intensified, and then finally she "knew" when it happened. The very instant. She was watching television with one of her children, and had an urgency to go in her room and pray.
When the knock came on the door and she was told about the accident, and to hurry to the hospital, she simply replied that there was no need to hurry. He was dead.
And he was.
Once that happened, the feeling of doom was gone.
Fast forward.
She put herself through school to become a nurse. In the doctor's office she met a lot of people who really had troublesome health and personal issues. She was always a smiling face and helped them however she could. Especially the elderly, who are the most vulnerable.
When an elderly friend of hers recently had surgery, she took her to the hospital, waited all day, and then helped her during the week by staying overnight, cooking, cleaning, bathing her, shopping for her, taking her for follow-up doctor visits. No charge, no complaints, and never needing to be asked. She was there before going to work, and then stopped by again after work. She walked the lady's dog, she took her laundry home, and brought it back clean the next day.
A few days ago, once the elderly lady was feeling better, she took her to run errands, finishing up at about 1:30. She said goodbye, got home, and received a phone call from a different elderly lady who was feeling bad. Angel spent from 2:30 to 11:00 p.m. in the emergency room with her. When I commented that she was probably tired, she said it didn't matter. She told me that she knows her purpose in life, and that is to serve others. This is her calling and that is why she's here. She told me that the elderly lady had four children. All four have passed away. I said that was sad, and she agreed, and said, "See? She has no one else."
But she has an Angel.
Angel told me that she also knew she would get a disease. She knew from very young.
She was right.
First it was breast cancer. She survived. Now she has Parkinson's. She lives. She lives every day to the fullest, because she knows she is on borrowed time. She already walks with a noticeable shuffle and has to maneuver her hands slowly and purposely to retain some dexterity. She said it's okay. She has a strong faith in God, and says if that's her lot in life, then that's fine. She doesn't question it, she doesn't curse it, she simply works around it. Never complaining.
And she continues helping others wherever she is needed, and never asks for anything in return.
I was so blessed to meet her, and shamed to know that I am nowhere near as good a person as she.
God bless Angel.
I'm not going to mention her name, because that sort of attention would embarrass her.
I'll just call her "Angel."
She has been blessed with beauty, inside and out, but she's had her own share of heartache. Her first husband was an alcoholic, and was killed in an accident (not drunk driving), leaving her a young widow with two children to raise.
She's the type of person who has what some called ESP, or premonitions, or the term I like to use, "heightened awareness," about certain events. I know from personal experience that this gift, good or bad, usually intensifies when you're locked in a bad situation. When things are good, it goes away.
When she told me the story about her husband, she also told me that she "knew" something was going to happen long before it did. The feeling intensified, and then finally she "knew" when it happened. The very instant. She was watching television with one of her children, and had an urgency to go in her room and pray.
When the knock came on the door and she was told about the accident, and to hurry to the hospital, she simply replied that there was no need to hurry. He was dead.
And he was.
Once that happened, the feeling of doom was gone.
Fast forward.
She put herself through school to become a nurse. In the doctor's office she met a lot of people who really had troublesome health and personal issues. She was always a smiling face and helped them however she could. Especially the elderly, who are the most vulnerable.
When an elderly friend of hers recently had surgery, she took her to the hospital, waited all day, and then helped her during the week by staying overnight, cooking, cleaning, bathing her, shopping for her, taking her for follow-up doctor visits. No charge, no complaints, and never needing to be asked. She was there before going to work, and then stopped by again after work. She walked the lady's dog, she took her laundry home, and brought it back clean the next day.
A few days ago, once the elderly lady was feeling better, she took her to run errands, finishing up at about 1:30. She said goodbye, got home, and received a phone call from a different elderly lady who was feeling bad. Angel spent from 2:30 to 11:00 p.m. in the emergency room with her. When I commented that she was probably tired, she said it didn't matter. She told me that she knows her purpose in life, and that is to serve others. This is her calling and that is why she's here. She told me that the elderly lady had four children. All four have passed away. I said that was sad, and she agreed, and said, "See? She has no one else."
But she has an Angel.
Angel told me that she also knew she would get a disease. She knew from very young.
She was right.
First it was breast cancer. She survived. Now she has Parkinson's. She lives. She lives every day to the fullest, because she knows she is on borrowed time. She already walks with a noticeable shuffle and has to maneuver her hands slowly and purposely to retain some dexterity. She said it's okay. She has a strong faith in God, and says if that's her lot in life, then that's fine. She doesn't question it, she doesn't curse it, she simply works around it. Never complaining.
And she continues helping others wherever she is needed, and never asks for anything in return.
I was so blessed to meet her, and shamed to know that I am nowhere near as good a person as she.
God bless Angel.
Easter Train Reminder!
Don't forget that the Irvine Park Railroad Easter Train is this coming weekend!
Here's the notice from their site again:
The Easter bunny is coming to Irvine Park Railroad on Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th. Children ages 12 and younger can participate in an Easter egg hunt (children younger than 12 months can enter for free)… each egg will be filled with candy or a prize. Easter egg hunts will begin promptly at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on both days.
Please bring an Easter basket for each child that will be participating in the Easter egg hunt. Tickets must be purchased on the day of the event in order to receive a wristband for the Easter egg hunt.
During the Easter Eggstravaganza, children can meet the Easter bunny and have their picture taken with him at a cost of $6.00 per photo. Pictures will be taken by Irvine Park Railroad staff and available for pickup shortly after the picture is taken.
There will be other activities to enjoy during the Easter Eggstravaganza including carnival games, a moon bounce, picture stands and a lot more. Please visit for full details including pricing.
While at Irvine Regional Park, be sure and visit the parks other activities including bike rentals, pony rides, paddle boat rentals and The Orange County Zoo.
Irvine Park Railroad opens daily at 10:00 AM (including Easter Sunday). The cost for train tickets is $4.00 per person; children younger than 12 months ride free. Irvine Park Railroad is located at 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange, CA 92869.
Here's the notice from their site again:
The Easter bunny is coming to Irvine Park Railroad on Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th. Children ages 12 and younger can participate in an Easter egg hunt (children younger than 12 months can enter for free)… each egg will be filled with candy or a prize. Easter egg hunts will begin promptly at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on both days.
Please bring an Easter basket for each child that will be participating in the Easter egg hunt. Tickets must be purchased on the day of the event in order to receive a wristband for the Easter egg hunt.
During the Easter Eggstravaganza, children can meet the Easter bunny and have their picture taken with him at a cost of $6.00 per photo. Pictures will be taken by Irvine Park Railroad staff and available for pickup shortly after the picture is taken.
There will be other activities to enjoy during the Easter Eggstravaganza including carnival games, a moon bounce, picture stands and a lot more. Please visit for full details including pricing.
While at Irvine Regional Park, be sure and visit the parks other activities including bike rentals, pony rides, paddle boat rentals and The Orange County Zoo.
Irvine Park Railroad opens daily at 10:00 AM (including Easter Sunday). The cost for train tickets is $4.00 per person; children younger than 12 months ride free. Irvine Park Railroad is located at 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange, CA 92869.
March 06, 2008
Top Secret Project
Shh... Got something really cool in the works.
That's all I can say for now.
Flying low under radar...
That's all I can say for now.
Flying low under radar...
March 04, 2008
New Pictures - Newport Beach
Still playing catch-up on loading my galleries. Here are some from Newport Beach. Full-size images are on my website. Please stop by and take a peek. Click HERE

March 03, 2008
Hawaiian Chair - Maybe Walking's Not So Bad After All
We're always looking for the quick fix to staying in shape. I think we have finally got a winner for the "I'm Not Trying That" award in the exercise category.
Make sure you watch Ellen's demonstration - I laughed so hard I cried!
Make sure you watch Ellen's demonstration - I laughed so hard I cried!
March 02, 2008
Some New San Clemente Pictures
March 01, 2008
Anaheim Ducks Spank Some Calgary Hiney!
I love hockey. It's really the only game I can sit still through - if you call watching the game through a camera lens sitting still. Can't help that part. I'm addicted.
Anyway. We went to a hockey game last night at Honda Center. It was the Anaheim Ducks vs. Calgary Flames.
Ducks spanked the Flames, folks! Hard! (3-1 Ducks!)
We had AWESOME seats!! We were about 10 rows back, up close and personal to the Plexiglas, just caddy-corner to the goal, so we had a clean view of the action, and I got some great shots. Here are a few.

Oh, and let's not forget another thing about hockey games - the fighting!
People in Glass Houses...
In my last idle ramblings post I mentioned one item - Lazy Readers. I have heard from lots of people who have confessed they fall into this group. Okay. No biggie. We all do it at times - right? But me, not so much as you (yeah, right).
The inspiration for that post was my having to re-write email instructions to a person multiple times. Each time they would ask me some detail that was already in my previous email. Argh!
Hence, my tattle-tailing on "lazy readers."
Since I wrote that I have, for some reason, become a chronic lazy email reader. I have skimmed my way through some emails that had meeting info, etc. Oh, I read with the eyes of a hawk when it comes to work stuff, which is good, but the non-work stuff has gotten mere cursory glances lately. No big deal, unless you're supposed to meet people at places, at particular times.
This was today. I was only an hour off, and missed meeting up with someone I know. Bad enough, but I was supposed to pick up some show publicity cards for our upcoming exhibit. Sheesh.
She lives on the other end of town, and now I've not only inconvenienced her, but myself. Because of lazy reading.
Okay, I get it! (Me talking to Karma)
Thought I'd share my imperfections with you all today. I can take it as well as dish it out...
The inspiration for that post was my having to re-write email instructions to a person multiple times. Each time they would ask me some detail that was already in my previous email. Argh!
Hence, my tattle-tailing on "lazy readers."
Since I wrote that I have, for some reason, become a chronic lazy email reader. I have skimmed my way through some emails that had meeting info, etc. Oh, I read with the eyes of a hawk when it comes to work stuff, which is good, but the non-work stuff has gotten mere cursory glances lately. No big deal, unless you're supposed to meet people at places, at particular times.
This was today. I was only an hour off, and missed meeting up with someone I know. Bad enough, but I was supposed to pick up some show publicity cards for our upcoming exhibit. Sheesh.
She lives on the other end of town, and now I've not only inconvenienced her, but myself. Because of lazy reading.
Okay, I get it! (Me talking to Karma)
Thought I'd share my imperfections with you all today. I can take it as well as dish it out...
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All text and images, unless otherwise noted, are subject to United States and international copyright laws and are the property of Barbara Gordon © 2007. No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without the written permission of Barbara Gordon. All rights reserved.