It's fall and all the pictures of beautiful blazing fall colors of golds, reds and magenta are popping up everywhere. Every year I lust after these pictures and lament about the muted tones in my own area. Oh,don't feel too sorry for me. I live in a gorgeous tourist destination with beaches to die for, but it's just not the same in the fall when you see bucolic scenes of leave piles, hay rides, pumpkin patches and those glowing trees.
So, I am now on my quest to capture some of those enviable scenes for myself. As I write this, I am sitting in Chicago's O'Hare Airport, en route to my friend's house in Michigan. A small connection flight to go and I'll find myself in an autumn wonderland.
For now, though, I've already stumbled upon a wonder here in Chicago.

Yep. An automatic toilet seat cover apparatus. Why don't we have these at home?! It's awesome, and I can't wait to share it with the world.
I also found this:

You gotta love it

More to follow...
When and IF you ever have to fly in or out of Chicago O'Hare Airport, keep your eye on the departure gate! Apparently last minute gate changes are a constant here.
As you read earlier, I arrived in plenty of time for my connection, found my gate, spoke to the agent and confirmed the flight was leaving on time FROM THAT GATE, then sat down to wait
And wait ...
And wait a bit more.
Getting a bit concerned, I went back to the gate to find out wassup? Only to be nonchalantly told, "Oh, that flight left."
Say WHAT??!!?!?!
Yep, they changed the gate and section of the airport, and I am now waiting for the next flight, leaving three hours later.
Sucks for me, but sucks even more for my poor friend who is waiting for me at the airport in Michigan.
I'm hoping my next update will be from Michigan.
Ever hopeful...
Post From My iPhone