It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I am over-the-moon crazy in love with animals.
This video was forwarded to me this morning, and I loved it. This beautiful dolphin is blowing bubbles and then playing with them. Amazing.
The photographic journey (and escapades) of an Orange County photographer
January 28, 2008
January 26, 2008
(Final) Rest Stop
I love cemeteries.
I know that sounds creepy to some (most) of you, but to me there is nothing dastardly, spooky or morbid about cemeteries. They're quiet, beautifully taken care of, and usually have some great sculptures and artwork.
When I do go to a cemetery, which is not often, I feel so peaceful and tranquil. I'll usually take my time photographing some art and/or landscaping. Then I'll take a few minutes to look at some of the headstones to try and get a tiny glimpse into the lives of those who came before me, and left before me.
Mother, father, daughter, "Momo", Sergeant in WWI, etc.
I just think it's important to acknowledge that these people were here, say a little prayer for them, and be thankful that there are days on earth ahead for us.
I guess it just makes me appreciate that I am alive.
Today I was up in L.A. and had a few hours to kill. I happened to notice this cemetery nearby, so I went in. It was absolutely beautiful. Here are a few images.

I know that sounds creepy to some (most) of you, but to me there is nothing dastardly, spooky or morbid about cemeteries. They're quiet, beautifully taken care of, and usually have some great sculptures and artwork.
When I do go to a cemetery, which is not often, I feel so peaceful and tranquil. I'll usually take my time photographing some art and/or landscaping. Then I'll take a few minutes to look at some of the headstones to try and get a tiny glimpse into the lives of those who came before me, and left before me.
Mother, father, daughter, "Momo", Sergeant in WWI, etc.
I just think it's important to acknowledge that these people were here, say a little prayer for them, and be thankful that there are days on earth ahead for us.
I guess it just makes me appreciate that I am alive.
Today I was up in L.A. and had a few hours to kill. I happened to notice this cemetery nearby, so I went in. It was absolutely beautiful. Here are a few images.

January 24, 2008
Liquid Sculptor - Martin Waugh
There are many types of photography, and many photographers who are masters of quite a few techniques.
At the top of the photography food chain are those very few photographers who specialize in liquids. Photographing liquids is extremely difficult, and there are only an elite few who are exceptionally good at it, and they are in high demand.
I have recently stumbled upon one of these greats and wanted to share him with you all.
His name is Martin Waugh, and he is phenomenal, to say the least.
Do yourself a real favor and visit his website, Liquid Sculpture. I promise you will not be disappointed. Oh, and make sure you click the close-up boxes and see the detail in each droplet.
Here are a few of his favorite images (posted with his permission):

Each image is so beautiful and visually melodic that it's difficult to stop staring at it. His mastery in controlling an uncontrollable substance astounds me, and makes me want to practice this technique until I can come close to producing something so beautiful.
At the top of the photography food chain are those very few photographers who specialize in liquids. Photographing liquids is extremely difficult, and there are only an elite few who are exceptionally good at it, and they are in high demand.
I have recently stumbled upon one of these greats and wanted to share him with you all.
His name is Martin Waugh, and he is phenomenal, to say the least.
Do yourself a real favor and visit his website, Liquid Sculpture. I promise you will not be disappointed. Oh, and make sure you click the close-up boxes and see the detail in each droplet.
Here are a few of his favorite images (posted with his permission):

Each image is so beautiful and visually melodic that it's difficult to stop staring at it. His mastery in controlling an uncontrollable substance astounds me, and makes me want to practice this technique until I can come close to producing something so beautiful.
More Rain, More Beautiful Skies!
It rained again last night, and that's always a very exciting event for me. Not only does it smell wonderful, but it clears the air, cleans the trees, makes your home feel even more cozy, and creates the most beautiful puffy-cloud (cumulus) skies.
There was a spectacular sky this morning. I was in Newport Beach and was absolutely awestruck by the beauty up above.

There was a spectacular sky this morning. I was in Newport Beach and was absolutely awestruck by the beauty up above.

January 20, 2008
The Beautiful Colors of Santa Ana
January 19, 2008
Doing Your Best, and Self-Forgiveness
Today is my dad's 80th birthday. He was only able to celebrate 48 birthdays.
My father used to say that all you could ask from a person was their best. I've always remembered this and tried not to expect perfection from anyone, including myself. When someone does their best, that is their perfection.
I ran across this quote in a blog I read, and it really struck me.
"You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better." -Maya Angelou
This is a very self-forgiving and healing quote that I instantly fell in love with. I was very young and petulant while my dad was here, and my greatest wish is that he knew me now.
I did only what I knew while he was here, but I wish I had known better.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
I miss you.
My father used to say that all you could ask from a person was their best. I've always remembered this and tried not to expect perfection from anyone, including myself. When someone does their best, that is their perfection.
I ran across this quote in a blog I read, and it really struck me.
"You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better." -Maya Angelou
This is a very self-forgiving and healing quote that I instantly fell in love with. I was very young and petulant while my dad was here, and my greatest wish is that he knew me now.
I did only what I knew while he was here, but I wish I had known better.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
I miss you.
The Sun Also Rises

As you know I adore sunsets. I love them so much that I have a series called "Pacific Sunsets." One of the reasons I favor sunsets over sunrises is because I'm never up in time to photograph the sun rising.
Today that changed.
Yesterday evening I was tired, so I decided to go to sleep. At 8:30 p.m. Along comes 3:00 a.m. and I'm finished sleeping and I'm now wide awake.
I work for a little while and then I decide that this rare occasion calls for a mandatory sunrise photo shoot! So, at 5:00 a.m. I pack up my gear, put the dog's jacket on her, and hop in the car.
It was cold and quiet out, with only a sprinkling of people here and there. The sky starting turning a beautiful blue color when I reached my overlook. And then there was the sun slowly rising over the hills, promising another day full of opportunities. It moved slowly and was mesmerizing to watch, almost like a miracle happening.
What a heavenly way to start my day.
January 17, 2008
Beautiful San Clemente
I have become quite attached to San Clemente lately. The people are so relaxed and friendly that it now feels like my second home.
Recently I met a very nice couple who had some particular photos in mind for their home. They contacted me and commissioned some work, which I have "finished." I say "finished" because I'm never really finished with any of my photo projects and love to add more and more to my favorite collections.
Today I went and photographed the area again to give them more choices. They viewed their private gallery and used wonderful words such as "awesome," "evocative," and "excited." Could I ask for a better response? No, I couldn't, and I am equally "excited" about the now expanded project.
I love when people love my pictures. I'm sure anyone who has "created" feels the same about putting their work out there and getting a positive response.
Anyway, after I finished my shoot I drove to Downtown San Clemente because I realized I had no pictures of the wonderful clock tower on Del Mar.
Here's what I got.

And I love the flags that hang all the way down Del Mar. It gives a happy hometown feel to the area.
Recently I met a very nice couple who had some particular photos in mind for their home. They contacted me and commissioned some work, which I have "finished." I say "finished" because I'm never really finished with any of my photo projects and love to add more and more to my favorite collections.
Today I went and photographed the area again to give them more choices. They viewed their private gallery and used wonderful words such as "awesome," "evocative," and "excited." Could I ask for a better response? No, I couldn't, and I am equally "excited" about the now expanded project.
I love when people love my pictures. I'm sure anyone who has "created" feels the same about putting their work out there and getting a positive response.
Anyway, after I finished my shoot I drove to Downtown San Clemente because I realized I had no pictures of the wonderful clock tower on Del Mar.
Here's what I got.

And I love the flags that hang all the way down Del Mar. It gives a happy hometown feel to the area.

January 14, 2008
January 13, 2008
Sunday at Border's
I had a nice relaxing Sunday today. Part of it was spent at Border's bookstore, which is on my list of fav low-pressure hangouts. I love to go there and have a drink of some sort at the coffee bar, and sit and read. Today I read five card-making magazines, an entire PostSecret book (which, sadly, did not contain anyone's added secret postcards),

and a book about ruins in the United States.

In the ruins book I noted, in particular, Rhyolite Ghost Town in Nevada, which I believe is the cover image. I have been trying to get out to photograph Rhyolite since I went to Photoshop World, in Las Vegas. It was also on our desert trip agenda, however, it has not happened yet.
But it will...

and a book about ruins in the United States.

In the ruins book I noted, in particular, Rhyolite Ghost Town in Nevada, which I believe is the cover image. I have been trying to get out to photograph Rhyolite since I went to Photoshop World, in Las Vegas. It was also on our desert trip agenda, however, it has not happened yet.
But it will...
January 11, 2008
"Father and Sons" - Two of My Favorite Pictures
I took these pictures awhile back, but they are still two of my very favorites. I love the interaction between the father and his two sons. The boys look so thrilled to be out with their dad, and rush to proudly show him their newly found treasure.
I did feel like a bit of a stalker when I took these, but I just happened upon them and was completely mesmerized by the scene. So, of course, I had to photograph them.
People respond well to these pictures and I usually sell them framed together. I think framing them side by side gives more of a storytelling feel.
I did feel like a bit of a stalker when I took these, but I just happened upon them and was completely mesmerized by the scene. So, of course, I had to photograph them.
People respond well to these pictures and I usually sell them framed together. I think framing them side by side gives more of a storytelling feel.

January 10, 2008
Upcoming Solo Exhibition! John Wayne Airport
I was lucky enough to be chosen for a solo exhibition of my series, "Coastal Access" to be shown at the John Wayne Airport!
I'm thrilled and honored beyond belief. The exhibitions are scheduled out four years and dates are randomly chosen. Lucky again!
My exhibition date is January 5, 2009, through February 19, 2009.
I will post more details as they become available, and I hope some of you will be travelling through the airport and see my work.
Here are three pictures from the series.

I'm thrilled and honored beyond belief. The exhibitions are scheduled out four years and dates are randomly chosen. Lucky again!
My exhibition date is January 5, 2009, through February 19, 2009.
I will post more details as they become available, and I hope some of you will be travelling through the airport and see my work.
Here are three pictures from the series.

January 09, 2008
Min Pin Mania
For those of you who have Min Pins (Miniature Pinschers) you will totally understand this video. For those of you who don't, let me set it up for you.
Min Pins are a very small breed of dog (mine is six pounds), but they DO NOT KNOW THIS. They have the heart of a lion, and tend to choose off other much larger dogs if the mood strikes them. My Mina has confronted large German Shepherds, Wolfhounds and the like, however, she does not bite them, and has never gotten into a fight (she's always leashed for her own safety). Luckily for her, the dogs have merely looked at her like she's insane. I have tried to teach her to choose her battles more wisely, but since she does not know she's little, she carries on the like the huge animal she is (in her head) and figures that a German Shepherd is about the right weight class for her.
Mina also runs our house, and when she wants something, SHE WANTS IT, and gets frustrated when we don't understand what she's saying.
There you have the setup.
Last night Mina wanted something. She hopped up onto the couch next to me with her typical I-have-something-I-need-to-tell-you look. This is how our conversation went.
Min Pins are a very small breed of dog (mine is six pounds), but they DO NOT KNOW THIS. They have the heart of a lion, and tend to choose off other much larger dogs if the mood strikes them. My Mina has confronted large German Shepherds, Wolfhounds and the like, however, she does not bite them, and has never gotten into a fight (she's always leashed for her own safety). Luckily for her, the dogs have merely looked at her like she's insane. I have tried to teach her to choose her battles more wisely, but since she does not know she's little, she carries on the like the huge animal she is (in her head) and figures that a German Shepherd is about the right weight class for her.
Mina also runs our house, and when she wants something, SHE WANTS IT, and gets frustrated when we don't understand what she's saying.
There you have the setup.
Last night Mina wanted something. She hopped up onto the couch next to me with her typical I-have-something-I-need-to-tell-you look. This is how our conversation went.
January 07, 2008
Personal Quirk 1 - Television Fanatic
I'm not perfect.
Surprised? I thought not. Oh, I'm not super flawed, but I do have some personal quirkiness that borders on bizarre at times. Okay, maybe a lot of personal quirkiness, but I prefer to be described as "unique." :-D
I've decided to do the slow reveal, so here's personal Quirk 1:
I LOVE television. A LOT.
I mean, watching TV for me is like reading a book for others. I get totally immersed in the story and my regular show casts become like friends. (Yes, I did drop a tear or two or more when Gilmore Girls ended...)
By the time I finish writing this blog entry "October Road" will be over for this week (Big Cat's facade is starting to crack - I love it), and I will begin the countdown until the next episode. I will fill the time with my other fav shows;
Medium (Supposedly true?)
Lost (soon)
Monk (He's back!)
Psych (They're back!)
Gossip Girl (Is Blair pregnant??!!)
Desperate Housewives (I knew Lynette's family was alive)
House (Wilson is my boyfriend)
Grey's Anatomy (Makes you afraid to get sick with all the lovelife drama going on)
Ghost Whisperer (Why does Melinda refuse to give the spirit messages verbatim??)
One Tree Hill (Coming back soon - four years later)
Ugly Betty (Who's Amanda's daddy?)
Dirty Sexy Money (I wish I had enough money to be totally dysfunctional)
Journeyman (Quantum Leap?)
Reaper (Dark and funny)
Cashmere Mafia (new and good!)
Tru Calling (reruns)
Dead Like Me (reruns)
Starter Wife (I hope it comes back, although "Cricket" is in Cashmere Mafia now)
I also love seeing people from other shows that are now gone pop up in new shows. Here are just a few off the top of my head -
Suki (Gilmore Girls) is in Samantha Who?
Kirk (Gilmore Girls) is in October Road
Luke (Gilmore Girls) is in Aliens in America
Jake (One Tree Hill) is in October Road
Donna (That 70's Show) is in October Road
Kelly Rutherford (Melrose Place) is in Gossip Girl
Doug Savant (Melrose Place) is in Desperate Housewives
Marcia Cross (Melrose Place) is in Desperate Housewives
Vanessa Marcil (90210) is in Las Vegas
Tom Selleck (Magnum PI) is in Las Vegas
Jennifer Esposito (Spin City)(Related) is in Samantha Who?
So, there you have it. I am way too involved with television, but in my defense I will say it's genetic. My mom was a TV fanatic (still is), and because of that I remember really old shows, and the hours of enjoyment and entertainment TV provided...then and now.
Surprised? I thought not. Oh, I'm not super flawed, but I do have some personal quirkiness that borders on bizarre at times. Okay, maybe a lot of personal quirkiness, but I prefer to be described as "unique." :-D
I've decided to do the slow reveal, so here's personal Quirk 1:
I LOVE television. A LOT.
I mean, watching TV for me is like reading a book for others. I get totally immersed in the story and my regular show casts become like friends. (Yes, I did drop a tear or two or more when Gilmore Girls ended...)
By the time I finish writing this blog entry "October Road" will be over for this week (Big Cat's facade is starting to crack - I love it), and I will begin the countdown until the next episode. I will fill the time with my other fav shows;
Medium (Supposedly true?)
Lost (soon)
Monk (He's back!)
Psych (They're back!)
Gossip Girl (Is Blair pregnant??!!)
Desperate Housewives (I knew Lynette's family was alive)
House (Wilson is my boyfriend)
Grey's Anatomy (Makes you afraid to get sick with all the lovelife drama going on)
Ghost Whisperer (Why does Melinda refuse to give the spirit messages verbatim??)
One Tree Hill (Coming back soon - four years later)
Ugly Betty (Who's Amanda's daddy?)
Dirty Sexy Money (I wish I had enough money to be totally dysfunctional)
Journeyman (Quantum Leap?)
Reaper (Dark and funny)
Cashmere Mafia (new and good!)
Tru Calling (reruns)
Dead Like Me (reruns)
Starter Wife (I hope it comes back, although "Cricket" is in Cashmere Mafia now)
I also love seeing people from other shows that are now gone pop up in new shows. Here are just a few off the top of my head -
Suki (Gilmore Girls) is in Samantha Who?
Kirk (Gilmore Girls) is in October Road
Luke (Gilmore Girls) is in Aliens in America
Jake (One Tree Hill) is in October Road
Donna (That 70's Show) is in October Road
Kelly Rutherford (Melrose Place) is in Gossip Girl
Doug Savant (Melrose Place) is in Desperate Housewives
Marcia Cross (Melrose Place) is in Desperate Housewives
Vanessa Marcil (90210) is in Las Vegas
Tom Selleck (Magnum PI) is in Las Vegas
Jennifer Esposito (Spin City)(Related) is in Samantha Who?
So, there you have it. I am way too involved with television, but in my defense I will say it's genetic. My mom was a TV fanatic (still is), and because of that I remember really old shows, and the hours of enjoyment and entertainment TV provided...then and now.
January 06, 2008
A Walk in the Park
I love all aspects of rainy weather.
Before the rain (anticipation, fast moving clouds),
Rain (wonderful smell in the air, and the drops hitting your skin - thunder!)
After the rain (everything's clean, the air is crisp, and the skies are awesome).
Today we are having after/before rain, so I decided to take a walk in the park.
Here are some pictures I took of inordinate ordinary things. Things you might not think to look for, but are beautiful if you do. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

I love all aspects of rainy weather.
Before the rain (anticipation, fast moving clouds),
Rain (wonderful smell in the air, and the drops hitting your skin - thunder!)
After the rain (everything's clean, the air is crisp, and the skies are awesome).
Today we are having after/before rain, so I decided to take a walk in the park.
Here are some pictures I took of inordinate ordinary things. Things you might not think to look for, but are beautiful if you do. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

January 05, 2008
Okay, you've most likely figured out that "secrets" are very intriguing to me. I am still totally into PostSecret and read the updated website regularly.
That said, I thought it would be appropriate to share my new favorite song, "Secret," by the Pierces. I saw/heard this on "Gossip Girl," - which also has a "secret" theme to it.
This song plays 24/7 in my head.
That said, I thought it would be appropriate to share my new favorite song, "Secret," by the Pierces. I saw/heard this on "Gossip Girl," - which also has a "secret" theme to it.
This song plays 24/7 in my head.
New Image - "Sailing on Blue"
One of the upsides of doing art shows is meeting people. I love to chit chat with people, even if it's just for a moment or two. Living in a tourist destination is great for this, because you never know where you'll meet people from.
During my last round of art fairs I met a couple from Utah who were looking for "a white sailboat and BLUE." They kept emphasizing "blue." I told them I could shoot it for them, upload it to my gallery, and they could order it from there.
This is what I came up with, and wanted to share it with you all. It was taken in Dana Point last week.
(Click on image to see a larger version)

I really like this one because it seems so peaceful to me. The lone sailboat and gull on a calm ocean, and in the distance you can see the hills through the mist.
During my last round of art fairs I met a couple from Utah who were looking for "a white sailboat and BLUE." They kept emphasizing "blue." I told them I could shoot it for them, upload it to my gallery, and they could order it from there.
This is what I came up with, and wanted to share it with you all. It was taken in Dana Point last week.
(Click on image to see a larger version)

I really like this one because it seems so peaceful to me. The lone sailboat and gull on a calm ocean, and in the distance you can see the hills through the mist.
January 04, 2008
Happy New Year
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day.
We had a wonderful Christmas again this year. We drove up to see my family in Central California. I love this drive. The scenery through all the agricultural land is so beautiful, and in a different way each season.
This tree was at a rest stop, and was full of crows. The tree's muted beige coloring against the crows' black feathers made it look like a sort of Christmas tree. What you can't see is that there was a single black crow at the top, like a star. Naturally, he flew away just before I snapped the shot.

These are my favorite hills in the world. They are so softly carved out by nature, and in winter remind me of velvet.
I call this image Blue and Gold Road.
The drive is also very special to me because as I pass each different area, I remember and replay in my mind all the stories my mother has shared with me about when she was a little girl. As we pass some large trees, she tells me, "That's where my dad would pull over and my mama would make us all a picnic lunch." So, that drive is very meaningful for me each time I make it.
Actually, the only "hair in the salad" on this road trip was...a hair in my salad. Gross. I won't tell you where we ate, because I really haven't got anything good to say about it, other than the cool scenery in the vicinity. The waitress brought the wrong drinks, wrong orders, the infamous hair in my salad, wrong bill, and finished the whole ordeal off with no apology and attitude. (Just HOW does one expect to justify hair in a salad by using this line: "Well you know it's a restaurant and things happen...")
As always, my sister put together a fantastic Christmas meal for us (sans hair). The table was set stunningly beautiful, and the meal was delish!

Oh, and did I mention PRESENTS?

We each make Christmas wish lists (hey, who wants to waste their Christmas ducats?). This year I wanted a Waterpik, a Sonicare toothbrush (my dentist would be so proud) and a George Foreman rotisserie, among a myriad of other items. I GOT THEM! I am using them all faithfully, and I feel my choppers getting prettier by the day.

And as far as the rotisserie...
Need I say more??
We were a lucky family in that we had a new member to celebrate this year.

This is baby Suki with her cool Yoda 'do. She was going to be put down for being a runt and having some related health issues, but my niece fell in love with her and rescued her. Suki repays her daily with big love and companionship...and laughs. As you can see, she's good to go now. Sometimes just a little effort goes a long way to save a life.
New Year's was very mellow and reflective for me. I spent the day making sure I focused in on what's truly important in my world - starting with God and my family, and remembering that everything else is a bonus.
So, I can say I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Day, and I hope you did, too.
We had a wonderful Christmas again this year. We drove up to see my family in Central California. I love this drive. The scenery through all the agricultural land is so beautiful, and in a different way each season.

The drive is also very special to me because as I pass each different area, I remember and replay in my mind all the stories my mother has shared with me about when she was a little girl. As we pass some large trees, she tells me, "That's where my dad would pull over and my mama would make us all a picnic lunch." So, that drive is very meaningful for me each time I make it.
Actually, the only "hair in the salad" on this road trip was...a hair in my salad. Gross. I won't tell you where we ate, because I really haven't got anything good to say about it, other than the cool scenery in the vicinity. The waitress brought the wrong drinks, wrong orders, the infamous hair in my salad, wrong bill, and finished the whole ordeal off with no apology and attitude. (Just HOW does one expect to justify hair in a salad by using this line: "Well you know it's a restaurant and things happen...")
As always, my sister put together a fantastic Christmas meal for us (sans hair). The table was set stunningly beautiful, and the meal was delish!

Oh, and did I mention PRESENTS?

We each make Christmas wish lists (hey, who wants to waste their Christmas ducats?). This year I wanted a Waterpik, a Sonicare toothbrush (my dentist would be so proud) and a George Foreman rotisserie, among a myriad of other items. I GOT THEM! I am using them all faithfully, and I feel my choppers getting prettier by the day.

And as far as the rotisserie...

We were a lucky family in that we had a new member to celebrate this year.

This is baby Suki with her cool Yoda 'do. She was going to be put down for being a runt and having some related health issues, but my niece fell in love with her and rescued her. Suki repays her daily with big love and companionship...and laughs. As you can see, she's good to go now. Sometimes just a little effort goes a long way to save a life.
New Year's was very mellow and reflective for me. I spent the day making sure I focused in on what's truly important in my world - starting with God and my family, and remembering that everything else is a bonus.
So, I can say I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Day, and I hope you did, too.
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All text and images, unless otherwise noted, are subject to United States and international copyright laws and are the property of Barbara Gordon © 2007. No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without the written permission of Barbara Gordon. All rights reserved.